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The Problem:

Retail Velocity provides its clients with daily harmonized retailer data. When they came to Vendilli Digital Group, they knew they needed a new brand and a new website, and they needed it fast. Quickly, our team made a plan to help them unveil an entirely new brand and website, and support them for future digital marketing initiatives.

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Lack of Brand Awareness
Aging Brand Materials
Long Sales Cycles 

When Retail Velocity approached us, they were faced with an aging brand and a disorganized website that lacked fundamental elements, as well as limited brand recognition. With the addition of a new CEO and Sr. Director of Marketing, they knew it was time to shake things up. When Retail Velocity approached VDG 5 months prior, they had plans to launch the newest version of Velocity which provides CPG companies with harmonized retailer POS data. We needed to completely rebrand Retail Velocity and launch a new website before their enterprise software product launch deadline.

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A Fast Turnaround for Fast Data

The Vendilli team hit the ground running with a looming deadline on the horizon. This all-hands-on-deck project included the development of an entire brand strategy and elements such as a logo, messaging, and style guide. 


Group 67865

Website Design

Group 67956

Inbound Marketing

Group 68036

Digital Advertising

Component 1 – 10000000

HubSpot Consulting

Group 681634

Search Engine Optimization


Buyer Personas


A buyer persona is a fictional representation of a business’s ideal customer based on market research and data analysis. It includes information such as demographics, interests, behaviors, motivations, and pain points. Buyer personas are important because they help businesses better understand their customers and tailor their marketing and sales strategies to meet their needs. By creating detailed buyer personas, businesses can improve their targeting, messaging, and customer engagement, ultimately leading to increased conversions and customer loyalty.

We identified 2 key audiences that Retail Velocity was reaching: Business Executives and Business Analysts.  We used these key audiences to develop a new site map and page architecture.  By identifying areas of content each buyer persona would be interested in, we were able to determine a hierarchy of pages to feature in the navigation as well as call out on the homepage what content these users would want to quickly access.  We landed on a design that spoke to the highly technical personas frequenting the site and calling out their pain points.

Mask Group 108445 (1)


The Seasoned Executive

Mask Group 109797 (1)


The Analyst



Goals, Plans, Challenges, Timeline

A GPCT exercise, which stands for Goals, Plans, Challenges, and Timeline, is a marketing strategy framework that helps businesses clarify their marketing goals, develop actionable plans, identify potential challenges, and set realistic timelines for achieving their objectives. Completing a GPCT exercise is important because it allows us to align  marketing efforts with a client’s overall business objectives and develop targeted campaigns that resonate with their target audience. 

By clearly defining Retail Velocity’s GPCT, we were able to put a plan in place to develop a rebrand and new website to establish them as experts in their field on a tight timeline. From there, we could work to measure progress and make adjustments as needed to ensure they continued to meet their objectives.


Branding & Website Design


We started by developing a new logo and brand styling for Retail Velocity.  After meeting with them and learning in depth about what they do, the customers they serve, and getting their ideas, likes and dislikes, our team produced several rounds of logo concepts.  We landed on a concept that abstracted the “V” in Velocity by using an upside down triangle shape.  We also incorporated a data signal (or “barbell” as Retail Velocity has affectionately named it) in an upward angle toward the right to communicate the idea of velocity, or upward trajectory with speed.  We kept the green color as a nod to their previous branding, but updated it to be more vibrant.  We pulled in dark contrasting purples and blacks and used a highly stylized font offset by a clean sans-serif to keep the brand technical, but professional looking.

On the website, we used new brand styling as the driving elements.  We used stock vector illustrations where possible to speak to the abstract nature of what Retail Velocity does while using relevant stock photography to paint a picture of the end results and real-world applications of the software.

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Group 3899 (2)
Component 6 – 1362
Component 7 – 197 (1) (1) copy


Website Development

Visit website


Once the brand elements and website had been designed, our team got to work developing a new website built entirely on HubSpot CMS. Vendilli launched the 23-page website within a 3-4 month window, crushing our goal. In addition to a new website, we currently support Retail Velocity with future additions to the website, content production, implementation of HubSpot Sales and Marketing software, and digital advertising.

Before After
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The Results: New Look, New Leads


Vendilli completed the successful rebrand and launch of a new website within an extremely aggressive timeline. Completion of this project has transitioned into an ongoing relationship where we help to provide strategy and marketing services that aim to position Retail Velocity as a go-to choice for harmonized and cleansed retailer POS data.  In their first year through persistent inbound marketing efforts, we were able to exceed their lead goals. 


Group 649 What the Client Thinks

They made it happen by our deadline

We had a lot to accomplish in a very, very short time frame, and Vendilli was able to deliver high-quality work and meet all our deadlines. Their team did a great job with our new logo, brand identity, and website design.  …More

What was supposed to be more of a launchpad website, which normally takes 3-4 months from conception to go live, turned into more of a full-blown site—but they made it happen by our deadline.

Chris Spallino

Sr. Director of Marketing and Communications

Group 403846554



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